Rule of Three

Today’s baseline is simple but will be extremely helpful for improving your vocabulary in the long run. 

Use a notebook, word document, whatever you prefer, and start using this as a place to keep all of your new vocabulary words, phrases, and expressions. 

From now on, when you are reading, each time an important word or phrase appears three or more times, add it to your document. 

This document will continue to grow as you read more and more...

Review your vocabulary document a few times a week to become more familiar with the vocabulary. 

That’s the long game. 

For today, simply read one article, blog post, chapter, whatever you prefer, and add your first words to this document. 

This task is not the most fun thing in the world, but maintaining a centralized document to keep new vocabulary is essential for making progress. 

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to send us a message at